July 7, 2022

This article is written in anticipation of what could be a challenging summer for so many law enforcement agencies and judicial systems!  After having reviewed hours of television video footage, and reading newspaper articles of events that took place in Portland, Seattle, and other cities over the past years, it has become clear that we…

October 2, 2018

First and foremost, a “Well Done” to the Massachusetts Legislature and Governor Baker for their efforts to reform the Massachusetts Criminal Justice System! As a person who has spent most of his adult life working at various levels and positions in the criminal justice system, serious reform has been needed for years. Again, “Well Done”…

August 24, 2015

This article was originally published on Corrections.com March 2012 Update July 2015: As you can see, I originally wrote this article “Checking for Tunnels” in 2012. Back then some of my colleagues thought that the article was interesting, but not all that relevant to modern day corrections with all of its high tech equipment, checks, and…

June 18, 2015

I want to make several things perfectly clear: First and foremost this article is not being written to criticize anyone at the Dannemora Correctional Institution. I don’t have any inside information. My information has been gleaned from news reports on TV, radio, and newspaper articles. The entire correctional community can “Learn” from this incident. What…