Meet the Authors

William P. Sturgeon

Veteran, DOJ Consultant, Radio Host & Author

William “Bill” Sturgeon has over 45 years of experience in the criminal justice field. An author, teacher/trainer, practitioner, expert witness and internationally recognized criminal justice consultant, he has received numerous awards and commendations for his work. He held supervisory and managerial positions in both law enforcement and corrections.

Mr. Sturgeon has been a consultant for the United States Department of Justice’s National Institute of Corrections Academy for over 27 years in the areas of management, operations, training, security and supervision. He has an extensive background in special operations training and management. Bill has also developed and taught “specialized” courses and curricula that assist agencies in “expanding” their emergency plans to deal with the potential of terrorist attacks.

Mr. Sturgeon has been certified as an expert witness in the Federal Court System and State Courts. Additionally, he has submitted reports on terrorism that have been entered into the Congressional Record.

Bill served as a consultant for federal, state and county governments, as well as national and international governments and corporations. He has served as a technical consultant for correctional training videos and in 1995 Mr. Sturgeon won a Telly Award for “Best Training” video in its class.

He has consulted extensively abroad in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Haiti, the Philippines and the Republic of South Africa.

Mr. Sturgeon has written articles on security operations, security enveloping, operational emergency planning, counter-terrorism, training, and the management of violent youthful offenders.

He has co-authored two other books, No Time To Play and Recess is Over, and two chapters for the Civic Research Institute’s Special Inmate Populations Volume I and II. In Volume I, Mr. Sturgeon addressed the management of violent youthful offenders, and in Volume II he detailed the security and management issues as well as other dangers associated with incarcerating terrorists in correctional institutions.

Mr. Sturgeon earned a Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts Degrees in Criminal Justice Administration. He received his training in Managing Complex Medical Emergencies, Health and Human Rights, Mediation and Conflict Resolution from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Bill is a decorated Vietnam veteran who served with the 101st Airborne Division.

Francesca Spina, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Chair of the Criminal Justice Department at Springfield College

Francesca Spina, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor and the Chair of the Criminal Justice Department at Springfield College.  Dr. Spina is also an adjunct faculty member in the Division of Online and Continuing Education at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She earned a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice and Criminology from the University of Massachusetts Lowell and a B.A. in Economics from Trinity College.  Dr. Spina’s research interests include criminal justice policy reform, corrections, race and justice, and gender and crime. She has published and presented extensively on these topics.

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